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Manage, test and design your primers for PCR

Version 1.7.0

(Updated November 21 2013)


Main features

 Manage your primers

  • Import or easily create primer lists
  • Name,comment, sort primers
  • Share simply primer lists (automatic lockout in read only mode of files yet opened by an other user)
  • Automatic calculation of quality score (TM [Santa-Lucia method], length, GC%, autodimer, complexity, etc.)
  • works with degenerate sequences

 Test your primers

  • Localise your primers on target sequences (main file formats supported and "intelligent" copy-paste)
  • Prediction of amplified sequences
  • Interactive graphic map
  • Pertinent informations on matches and amplicons (TM, size, predicted dimers, etc.)

 Design your primers

  • Simple and intuitive interface to design new primers for amplifying a fragment choosing the amplicon size and/or the position
  • Many of design options

New features

 The Mac version is now a Cocoa application (compatible Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks and Retina displays)
 Very big sequences support (> 1 million nucleotides)
 Huge improvment in speed for almost all time consuming operations : sequence and primer list loading, match searches, primer design, ... (Thanks to help from Theodore H. Smith. This guy is a genius !)
 The program is now distributed as a multilingual bundle (still only in english and french but translators are welcome)
 Multi-criteria sorting of primer list (see the new menu "primers > Sort using multiple criteria...")
 Ability to change the primer order in the list by drag and drop
 New interface element (slider) in the main window that allow to quickly change the required number of perfect matching 3’end nucleotides in the match search alogorithm (without going to the Preference window)
 The menu "paste complement strand" now works into the field "use this primer" in the primer design window.
 Behavior improvment of the menu "Undo"
 Graphic view zooming improvment
 And a lot of bug fixes and algorithm corrections !

See the Complete version history

Get AmplifX 1.7.0

AmplifX Mac
Mac OS 10.5 ... 10.9 (Cocoa) Multingual (Fr, En)
AmplifX Windows
XP ... Windows 8 - Multingu. (Fr, En)
AmplifX Linux
Linux 32 bits (GNOME)


"Old Mac" (AmplifX Version 1.6.3)

[Updated Nov, 25 2013] These versions allows owners of old Mac to continue to work with AmplifX : version 1.6.3 doesn’t force the user to instal the new 1.7.0 release.

Old Mac OS
For Mac Intel running Mac 0S X 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
For Mac PowerPC (G3, G4, G5) Mac OS X 10.2 to 10.5


Help :

 Quick help.

Awards and citations

 Pubmed articles

Legal information :

How to cite AmplifX :

AmplifX X.X.X [version number] by Nicolas Jullien ; CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université -

This program is provided free for the scientific community ”as it is". The author will not be held responsible for any bad working.

Users are strongly invited to register themselves by using the menu "feedback" in the "Help" section : give the program name, version number, preferred language, Operating system version, any other useful information and why not a kind word.

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  • logo Plateforme Technologique Aix-Marseille
  • logo Vect-Horus
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